My mother, Barbara Wood, is nearly 90. She is in pretty good condition...


judith (Alicante) preguntó sobre

My mother, Barbara Wood, is nearly 90. She is in pretty good condition despite having had 3 heart attacks. However she has a very poor appetite and therefore lacks energy. Our local chemist recommended something called Dynamogen to improve appetite and energy. I see that this is not recommended to be taken with MAO inhibitors. My mother takes Omeprozol, Brilique, Trangorex, Furosemida, Acido Acetisilina,and Capenon.

My question is, are these medicines compatible with Dynamogen.

I should be grateful for your advice.

Judith P Wood

Alicante, 13 de septiembre de 2015   Responder

Centro Clínico Betanzos 60 Médicos Especialistas en Madrid Centro médico El Dynamogen no presenta interacciones con otros medicamentos, aun así es recomendable que lleves a tu madre al médico y sea el, el que la valore y la trate, no el farmaceutico
16 de septiembre de 2015

Diego Fernandez Redondo Hi Judith.

Omeprazol, Brilique, trangorex, furosemida, capenon and AAS aren´t Mao inhibitors. So if her doctor advice it , she can take this pill safely.

The only thing I really wont to know is the reason for her lost of appetite.

Any Depression? Poor activity? Anaemia?

She can try for some weeks and you control her food intake, if it improves she would continue with it, if does not improve, she wouldn´t continue with the treatment, and will beggin the search of the real cause.

Kind regards from Galicia!
17 de septiembre de 2015


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