Appointment with a dermatologist


Rachel (Murcia) preguntó sobre

I seem to have eczemas which is very itchy, etc. I put on Aqua cream twice a day but my skinis very dry still. It seems worse in the winter months so could it be as a result of central heating drying the air?

I would like to have an appointment with a dermatologist to discuss this.

I really need someone who speaks English. Is this possible.

Murcia, 03 de enero de 2024   Responder

Dra. Sara Álvarez Ruiz Dermatóloga estética y tricología Good morning,

If you really have eczema, you should normally be treated with topical corticosteroids prescribed by a dermatologist who can confirm the diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate strength and duration of treatment for each case.

Moisturising creams can usually improve the dryness but they tend to itch when applied and do not usually eliminate the problem.

Best regards
05 de enero de 2024


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