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  2. Dentistas
  3. Dentistas Mijas
  4. Johan Alphons Hubert Kools Ras

Johan Alphons Hubert Kools Ras

Dentista en Mijas - Odontología y Estomatología

Edif. Costamueble, Ctra. De Mijas, K.m 4.6 - 29650 Mijas

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Edif. Costamueble, Ctra. De Mijas, K.m 4.6 - 29650, Mijas



Ultima actualización: 18/marzo/2018
10% completada
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Opiniones sobre Johan Alphons Hubert Kools Ras

Valoración media

Valoración general valoración general: 1
Puntualidad puntualidad: 1
Atención al paciente atención al paciente: 1
Acierto del diagnostico acierto del diagnóstico: 1
Acierto del tratamiento acierto del tratamiento: 1
Precio precio: 1
Lista de espera lista de espera: 1

1 opinión

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  • 4 estrellas 
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  • 1 estrellas 

1 opinión


do not use under any circumstances!!!
Worst dentist on the costa del sol.
Left patient in severe pain with facial swelling, ear pain, neck pain, difficulty swallowing, migraines, due to incompetence and negligence.
Provides no follow up or instructions for after care.

Absolutely awful service. Do not use under any circumstances!!!
Extracted a wisdom tooth without antibiotics even knowing and later admitting that an infection was present. The infection was present on the x-ray that was taken, yet ignored.
After i went back with a severe infection and in a great deal of pain, the dentist (hans cool) was incredibly rude and admitted he knew about the likelihood of infection. It has now cost me nearly 4 the normal price to fix dr. Kools negligence.

14 de marzo de 2018 | Comentar
Puntualidad valoracion
Atención al paciente valoracion
Acierto del diagnóstico valoracion
Acierto del tratamiento valoracion
Precio valoracion precio
Lista de espera valoracion lista de espera
